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Teachers: The Greatest Showmen of All


I wrote this a long time ago and chose, for whatever reason, not to post it. Looking back, I feel it is a good time to post it.

Why Do We Act This Way?

We live in a world where we are consumed by our own image. We care deeply about how we appear. We are taught how we should look.

As a man I am supposed to be tough, strong, and never, never cry.

Well, I am a man, and I’m admitting that I have cried during movies.

The Greatest Showman

I have been brought to tears most recently by The Greatest Showman.

It was not the first time I’ve watched it, but I can still get teary-eyed while watching.

I don’t know how anyone could not love and relate to the themes of the movie. As an educator, my emotions get super-charged as I am consumed by the movie’s story.

We shouldn’t be worried about the image of people. We should care about what that person is and what he or she CAN do.

As an educator, I relate to the story because I can see some of my students who are the “oddities” and feel left out.

We are quite literally taught to avoid what we do not understand, but I feel it is important to recondition ourselves to find the values in others.

The Best Teacher

Educators are tasked with this every day. But, the greatest teacher of all, Jesus Christ, did this regularly during his days of teaching.

Jesus had a purpose for the faulty-est, most down-trodden, and unlikeliest of people; however, through those people, he and they changed the world.

Whether it be Jesus’s people, The Greatest Showman, or the outcast in your presence, I challenge you to find the good in ALL you come across. Every single person has value and has a purpose, and I truly believe that.


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Have a great day!

Mister Porter

I'm an educator passionate about sharing experiences. Join me as we explore education as well as potential personal interests like family, minimalism, investing, sports, and blogging. Please visit for more valuable resources.