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Pandemic Pause: Lessons Learned from a Forced Slowdown


Have you ever wanted to press the “pause” button on life? Did you realize we actually have had a realistic version of the pause button? The “pandemic pause.”

Story Time

In a bustling city where everyone seemed to be in a constant rush, time was a luxury no one could afford. The streets were filled with hurried footsteps, honking cars, and people frantically checking their watches. Always working, and always going somewhere, the residents of this city were trapped in a perpetual cycle of busyness.

The people complained incessantly about never having enough time. Conversations were punctuated with sighs of exhaustion and groaning about the pressures of modern life. Time had become an elusive commodity, slipping through their fingers like sand.

Then, one day, something unexpected happened. A massive storm swept through the city, paralyzing transportation systems and rendering the streets impassable. The city came to a standstill, and suddenly, everyone was forced to stay home. The bustling streets transformed into ghostly quiet lanes, without the usual chaos.

At first, there was panic and frustration. People grumbled about being stuck indoors, their routines disrupted. But as the hours turned into days, a peculiar shift occurred. Families began to spend time together, sharing meals and engaging in conversations that had long been neglected. People appreciated their time with friends like never before. Some even discovered forgotten hobbies, embracing the chance to relax and recharge.

Ironically, amidst the forced isolation, the very thing they had yearned for—the gift of time—was handed to them. But instead of reveling in this unexpected break, a sense of restlessness started to creep in. They unknowingly longed for the chaos, the noise, and the familiar rush of their busy lives. They yearned for the crowded streets, the honking horns, and the constant motion. Everywhere chants of, “When will things be back to normal?”

And so, when the storm finally subsided and the city returned to its frenetic pace, people hurriedly threw themselves back into their old routines. The precious moments spent with loved ones were left as mere memories, like flickering flames that had been extinguished too soon.

Once again, the complaints resurfaced, louder than before. The ungrateful tone reverberated through the city as people grumbled about their packed schedules, their never-ending to-do lists, and the lack of time for themselves. The brief interlude of calm had become a distant dream, replaced by the relentless pursuit of productivity and achievement.

In the end, the city remained a whirlwind of perpetual motion, its inhabitants forever chasing after an elusive concept called time. Oblivious to the irony of their discontent, they rushed through their lives, never pausing to appreciate the fleeting moments of calm that occasionally presented themselves.

And so, the cycle continued, spinning onward, propelled by the ungrateful nature of human existence. Always on the go, always working, always complaining about never having enough time—forever trapped in a relentless dance with the ticking hands of the clock.

The Pandemic Pause Button

Sound familiar? COVID hit a pandemic pause button in everyone’s lives. The words quite literally put a nasty taste in everyone’s mouths and rightfully so.

However, there is one thing that I will miss about that time in my life. The pandemic pause. It made me slow down, relax, appreciate family, and do things that I had only placed on my to-do list never intending to complete.

Reflectively, it made us all slow down, and that’s not a bad thing.

What Is Important?

I obviously don’t want to go back, but I hate that it took something as scary as a pandemic for us to slow down and prioritize.

In conclusion, the pandemic pause forced us to hit the pause button on our lives, giving us an unexpected opportunity to slow down and reprioritize. While the experience was challenging and brought about many hardships, it also offered a valuable lesson. We learned that amidst the chaos and busyness of our modern lives, there is immense value in finding moments of stillness and reflection. It shouldn’t have taken a global crisis to remind us of what truly matters—our loved ones, our well-being, and the simple joys that bring meaning to our lives. As we move forward, let’s strive to maintain a balance, savoring the gift of time and making intentional choices that nourish our souls. May we never forget the lessons learned during those slower days, and may we embrace the beauty of slowing down, even in the midst of a fast-paced world.

Do you need a reminder? Read this BLOG POST written during the actual pandemic. Imagine, watching a graduation from live-stream because you could not be there in-person.

Mister Porter

I'm an educator passionate about sharing experiences. Join me as we explore education as well as potential personal interests like family, minimalism, investing, sports, and blogging. Please visit for more valuable resources.