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Funny Teacher Story: Things You Thought You Would Never Ask

After going a couple of weeks looking at more serious topics facing educators, I felt it was time to bring a little humor back to the blog.

If you prefer a more serious topic, please read “Top Five Issues Facing Education in Mississippi” or “Teacher Shortages: Why Is This Not Trending News?

For those that enjoy a good laugh, this story comes from a special education teacher and her assistant teacher.

Story Time

While testing their second-grade students, the assistant teacher hears a faint noise and asks “What was that?”

One of the students quickly pointed and said, “It was Susie!” Susie tilts her head a little and giggles.

Thankfully this is one of those times that young children hear a toot and get back to work fairly quickly instead of a several-minute-long giggle fest.

A few minutes later though, Susie starts rubbing her back area and starts shaking her head. She finally says, “I think I’m about to have an explosion!”

The assistant teacher asked, “Do you have to poot or poop?”

I mean these are the questions we got into teaching for, am I right?

When You Just Can’t Hold It Anymore

Susie bursts out, “I have to fart!!!”

The teachers immediately told her to go to the restroom.  She was gone for about five minutes and came back saying, “Surely, that was the last explosion.”

Since there was no longer time to finish their test, and it was almost time for lunch, the assistant teacher begins to take the students back to class while the special education teacher gets ready to make copies of tests for other students.

As the teacher grabs the other tests to go make copies, she looks down the hallway to see Little Susie squat and start semi-giggling and saying “Gosh, I hope it isn’t coming again!”


If you enjoyed this story, try Funny Teacher Story: ‘Not Enough Toilet Paper’.

Thank you for your time. If you liked this story, share it with a friend. If you have your own story, please share it in the comments.

Mister Porter

I'm an educator passionate about sharing experiences. Join me as we explore education as well as potential personal interests like family, minimalism, investing, sports, and blogging. Please visit for more valuable resources.

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