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13 Teaching Resources Guaranteed to Get Your Students Fired Up for School


Are you a teacher trying to pique your students’ interest the moment they come through your classroom door? Do you want to make learning an adventure that kids look forward to daily? You’ve come to the correct location! In today’s ever-changing educational scene, it’s critical to arm oneself with a library of teaching resources that fascinate and inspire. Today, we’re going on a quest to find thirteen teaching materials that are guaranteed to get your pupils excited about school.

Picture a classroom where learning is an immersive experience, where students eagerly anticipate each lesson. Imagine a world where complex concepts become as thrilling as their favorite video games. Then, keep dreaming. 😂No, but seriously, we have some exciting resources, whether you’re an educator seeking innovative digital tools, hands-on strategies, or creative classroom setups.

Join us as we explore a treasure trove of teaching tools designed to turn your classroom into a hub of enthusiasm and wonder. This blog guides you to establishing an engaging and dynamic learning environment, from interactive digital platforms to augmented reality adventures and collaborative projects that ignite the imagination.

We recognize that engaging students is essential for effective teaching. Here are some instructional tools and ideas to assist you in reaching this goal:

1. Interactive Digital Platforms:

  • Blooket: a platform where teachers and students create or play (by entering a code) engaging review games with different game modes and content.
  • Edpuzzle: Embed questions and quizzes into educational videos, making passive learning more engaging and active.
  • Kahoot!: Use this gamified platform to create interactive quizzes and polls. It’s a fun way to review and reinforce learning.
  • Quizizz: Discover and produce interactive quizzes, lessons, presentations, and flashcards tailored for students, employees, and a diverse audience.

2. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR):

  • Google Expeditions: Take your students on virtual field trips using VR headsets or mobile devices.
  • AR Flashcards: Make flashcards come to life using AR apps like AR Flashcards or QuiverVision.

3. Escape Room Games:

  • Digital Escape Rooms: Create or find digital escape room games that tie into your curriculum. They encourage teamwork and critical thinking.

4. Collaborative Projects:

  • Canva: Incredibly user-friendly graphic design software
  • Google Workspace (formerly G Suite): Use Google Docs, Sheets, Slides, and Classroom for collaborative assignments and projects.
  • Padlet: Create virtual bulletin boards where students can share ideas, links, and media.

5. Interactive Whiteboards and Document Cameras:

  • SMART Boards: These interactive whiteboards allow students to engage directly with the lesson material.
  • Document Cameras: Display student work or experiments in real time, making lessons more interactive.

6. Guest Speakers and Virtual Field Trips:

  • Invite guest speakers via video conferencing to discuss topics relevant to your curriculum.
  • Take virtual field trips using platforms like Zoom or Google Meet to explore different locations and cultures.

7. Project-Based Learning (PBL):

  • Encourage students to work on projects related to real-world problems, fostering creativity and motivation.
  • Consider platforms like PBLWorks for project ideas and resources.

8. Gamification and Badges:

  • Implement a gamified system in your classroom where students earn badges or rewards for achieving certain milestones or completing assignments.
  • Platforms like Classcraft or Badgr can help you set up a gamified classroom.

9. Inquiry-Based Learning:

  • Encourage students to ask questions, conduct research, and present their findings, promoting curiosity and engagement.

10. Educational Apps and Games:

  • Explore educational apps and games tailored to your subject. For example, Duolingo for language learning or Scratch for coding.

11. Flexible Seating and Classroom Design:

  • Rearrange your classroom to include flexible seating options, like standing desks or comfy reading corners, to create a more welcoming environment.

12. Incorporate Pop Culture and Trends:

  • Relate lessons to current pop culture or trends that students are interested in, making the material more relatable and engaging.

13. Peer Teaching and Student Presentations:

  • Allow students to take turns teaching or presenting on topics of interest to them. This empowers them and promotes active learning.


Remember that these materials’ usefulness will vary depending on your kids’ age, topic matter, and personal preferences. To keep your students interested in learning, be receptive to feedback and change your approach as needed.


We’ve discovered a trove of tools, tactics, and approaches that can turn your classroom into a hive of activity. You now have a toolkit at your disposal that can turn even the most reluctant learners into eager participants, with everything from gamified platforms and augmented reality excursions to project-based learning and flexible seating arrangements.

However, remember that the real magic occurs when you combine these materials with enthusiasm, creativity, and dedication as a teacher. Your energy is contagious, and it’s the secret ingredient that will actually “fire up” the kids you teach for school.

So, here’s your call to action: embrace these teaching resources, experiment with them, and adapt them to your specific teaching style and the requirements of your students.

We can work together to raise a generation of students who are prepared for school and enthused about the adventure that each day of learning brings. Let us make schooling an experience they will remember for the rest of their lives. The future is in your classroom; let us assist them in succeeding!


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Mister Porter

I'm an educator passionate about sharing experiences. Join me as we explore education as well as potential personal interests like family, minimalism, investing, sports, and blogging. Please visit for more valuable resources.