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What Few Teachers Will Say

For those that have followed my blog since the beginning you may have noticed some trends. One of them being my priority on building relationships with students. I firmly believe it is The Most Important Thing in Education. What few teachers will say, though, is that its two-sided.

I hope I make an impact on my students; however, my students have effects on me.

My Reminder

This morning, I was reminded of this fact. One of my former students walked to the stage of a very large church to sing. She did not quiver. She did not show fear. She simply sang beautifully.

Not only did I get to enjoy her gift, but I was reminded of the impact she has had on my life.

“What Had Happened Was…”

I taught this boy-crazed, talkative teenage girl in 8th grade. She had (and still has) an infectious smile.

Even after she had moved on from my class, I was fortunate enough to keep our positive relationship. While in high school, she invited my wife and I to her church to hear her sing. There was something about her invitation that we could not turn down.

I was mesmerized by how this young girl could perform in front of such a large number of people and DO IT SO WELL.

It was not only that, though; my wife and I had already contemplated finding a new place of worship. A place that spoke to our spiritual needs more. I would not speak ill of my former church because it led me to so many positive things in my life. But now as a married man, my family needed something different.

How It Changed Us

This new church touched us in such a way that we decided to start attending every Sunday.

After my wife and I built a new home farther away from this church, we tried nearby churches but could not find a place that meant as much to us as the church to which my former student had invited us.

That young 8th grade girl, turned high schooler, turned mature young lady has made an impact on my family that I will not forget. I loved watching her grow up. I look forward to the effect she will have on the world.

Few Teachers Say It But…

Students have an impact on all of our lives. Do we talk about it enough?

Of course, I pray that I live a life that is a positive example for my students. Of course, I hope I touch student lives in a way that they are forever positively influenced.

I will have no idea to what degree I’m able to accomplish this, but I do know, my students have an impact on me.

I love my kids. And, in this PC world, it is sometimes difficult to say those words. I love them for who they are, for who they can be, and the inspiration they give me.

It may be what few teachers will say, but the rest of us should not be afraid to speak about the impact students have on our lives. Let’s face it, some of our students walk through life thinking their actions have no effect on others.

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Mister Porter

I'm an educator passionate about sharing experiences. Join me as we explore education as well as potential personal interests like family, minimalism, investing, sports, and blogging. Please visit for more valuable resources.

This Post Has 2 Comments

  1. Shala

    This was an amazing story.

    1. Kacie

      Thank you so much for sharing this. I had not heard this story! I am so blessed with this “still boy-crazy child”, she has brought joy to us from the moment we laid eyes on her! I am thankful for teachers like you who have the ability to have such an impact on a child’s life! Thank you for all you are, and all you do!

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