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Student Response to The Call of the Wild in 2020

Writing Task

You have read the novel The Call of the Wild about a kidnapped dog learning to adapt to his new surroundings far away from his original home. Write an essay explaining the meaning of the phrase “the call of the wild” as it is used throughout the novel. Be sure to include details from the novel to support your response.

Student Response

“The blood longing became stronger than ever before.” This line from the novel “The Call of the Wild” written by Jack London tells the story of a sweet little house dog becoming a blood-hungry wild dog. London describes how the longer Buck is in the wild the more the wild calls him. The meaning of the phrase “the call of the wild” is described over the course of the story.

 The novel begins with the reader not really understanding the title of the book or the meaning of the phrase, but as the author goes on in the story the reader starts to understand the meaning through the change in Buck’s attitude. The author writes, “He was a killer.” That’s what Buck found joy in doing, that is what he wanted to do. He was “hearing” this calling, and it changed him. It made him change into a thing of the wild. When the author describes these things, the reader sees the differences between the first Buck and now this changed Buck. Even though it is physically the same dog, the call that Buck felt changed him mentally.

The author ends the book by showing that Buck has completely given in to this call. The author describes, “It was the call, the many-noted call.” Buck now had nothing left and the call overcame him. The call was just something that he longed for. It was a part of him that would have never been seen in a house dog. There was no physical call pulling him; there was just an urge for the wild that he felt.

The author’s use of the phrase “the call of the wild” helps us better understand the meaning of the story. We can see that the call is what he feels and understands. Not something that can actually be heard. We might get callings just like Buck, but would we answer them as he did?

Writing Details

I have said time and time again, “writing is hard.” Despite that, writing depends on so many more factors than intelligence. It sometimes requires creativity, or passion, or just a “good” day for a student. Some days are good for writers and some days are bad.

I have watched “average” students write fantastic responses, and I have watched gifted students struggle to get thoughts on paper.

Earlier this year, one of my students who is VERY intelligent admitted that she struggles in English, particularly with her writing.

It would be easy for some to say that she was just easily defeated, but the truth is that she was being self-aware which is a very mature skill.

But what feels even better is when it all comes together for that student and she turns in something you can’t help but smile and feel an internal pride.

This was her response to her Call of the Wild Assessment Writing Task. I was proud of her. I hope you are too.

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Mister Porter

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